English Program Guide

3 Services of SKY PerfecTV!

  • ・Basic Service
  • ・Premium Service
  • ・Premium Service Hikari

3 services of skyperfecTV is available here.


If you have any questions about SKY PerfecTV!, please feel free to give us a call.

Sky PerfecTV! Customer Center 0120-039-888(#9) Open 10am to 8pm(365 days)

The automated guidance system will give you options, so make your choice about registration/enquiries from the following menu.
You can press the desired menu button at any time during the automated message.

*The SKY PerfecTV! Customer Center phone lines are often busy between 10am & 11am and at the beginning and end of the month.
 You’ll be connected more quickly if you avoid these times.

Menu Guide